I missed the 1 year blog anniversary because I was too busy with other stuff.

It's actually not doing as well as I thought it will, but I'm so happy I started.  Now I don't have to procrastinate starting a blog, the issue is now writing articles.

I majorly started the blog so that I can have some sort of online presence and also to keep getting familiar with blogging since I decided to work full time as a writer.

Getting money from the blog was something I thought will be a reality in 6months but I really didn't go about the blog the right way.

It's a good thing I started when I did, that's 1 year of learning how not to do and exactly what I need to do moving forward.

Here are some things I'll start doing more on the blog:

Favorite Things 

Pet peeves 

Relationship Talks

Living in Lagos - Eating in Lagos.

I might just end up doing a proper schedule of when posts go up and all of that. A blog plan. I know I have said it before - the post is right here. But this time is different.


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